September Theme: Advocacy

Today’s Question:

What does it mean to be an Advocate for Global Education Equity?

Hello Far Away Friends Club members!

Welcome to September, a month dedicated to the theme of "Advocacy" in our Schools for Schools Program.

Advocacy is a powerful way to create positive change in the world, and it plays a crucial role in our mission to promote global education equity between students in the USA and rural Uganda.

Discussion Questions

  1. Introduction to Advocacy: Start your club meeting with a brief introduction to advocacy. Discuss the definition of advocacy and why it's important in addressing issues such as education equity.

  2. Discussion - Far Away Friends' Advocacy Work: How do you think Far Away Friends is advocating for education equity? What projects or programs do you think are most important in this work?

  3. The Role of Students as Advocates: Discuss the role that students can play as advocates for global education equity. How can our voices, actions, and fundraising efforts create a positive impact?

  4. Group Brainstorm: Brainstorm 5 creative ideas for advocacy campaigns (posters, videos, stickers, flyers) and/or events that can be organized within your school and local community for your Sister School. As a club, decide on one or more advocacy projects to work on during month of September to raise awareness about your Sister School.

Remember, advocacy is about raising awareness, taking action, and standing up for what is right. By becoming advocates for global education equity, you're contributing to a brighter future for students across the world. Keep the passion alive, and let's work together to make a difference!

More Recommended Resources:

1. Far Away Friends: Becoming a Voice for Youth in Amolatar

2. Video: Day in the Life of an Youth Education Advocate/Activist

3. Video: What it means to be an Advocate for Girls Education

4. Video TedxTalk: Youth Activism

Keep up the great work, Far Away Friends Club members! Your dedication and advocacy efforts can truly change lives. See you next week!


Sept 8 Event: International Literacy Day


Expanding Horizons: The Importance of Reading Diverse Authors in Middle School and High School